Monday, February 11, 2013

Where was Snooki?...


  1. The County isn't big enough for two egos the size of Snookie's and the SWACster's

  2. Good one!!!
    But I thought Augusta was the second largest county in Virginia?...

  3. did you see where Augusta County is expecting a surplus of one mill? There's talking of using it for everything except returning it to taxpayers... the Gang slaps itself on the back.

  4. Typical government budgeting and spending practices... "Spend it or loose it"... I have a friend who was a Miami-dade firefighter and said they had to build a whole new warehouse just for the NEW fire hose they had bought over the years with their budgets. Would never use the hose but they bought it knowing that if they did not spend the money in the budget each year they would lose it in the next budget process.... Give the mil back to the people. WE NEED IT !!!

  5. hold on to your hats and don't drop the soap... the BOS is proposing a 5 cent increase in real estate tax... good grief... just think of how bad it would have been if the Gang had actually been successful in rolling back the Assessment- i guess we should be thankful for small blessings.

  6. I admit I do not know many of the inner workings of our school system but I did find these numbers in the NewsVirginian story.
    $92 Million is a hefty amount of money. $500K for computers should be able to put a laptop in each kids backpack but why? Technology is important but are we ignoring the basics? Do our students really know the basics they need to move on in life and work? Are we really getting our moneys worth with the education system we have and not just here but all across the country? 80% of the NYC graduates had to take basic courses once they got to community colleges for they "graduated" without basic skills. And by far its not just the teachers, its due to parents who DO NOT prep their kids for school or follow up once they get back from school...

    Is $92.5 Million enough?

    "The $92.367 million budget passed last week includes significant employee attrition for next year, six layoffs of current personnel and a 50 percent reduction in the county's payment of health insurance benefits for part-time employees, such as cafeteria workers and bus drivers."

    "Restoring the full insurance coverage for part-time employees would mean an additional $443,000 in next year's budget.School board member Dana Sensabaugh of the Riverheads District lobbied for funding for technology. School board members have identified $500,000 in funding needed to replace worn out computers in next year's budget."
