Thursday, December 13, 2012

Tea Party "Thugs" vs. Union "Thugs"......

The NewsLeader Editorial staff came out with an "editorial" piece this week asking\hoping\declaring that the Tea Party is dead as apparent by the results of the last election and they are the reason that the Republican Party did so poorly. The EdStaff feels that the Tea Party came along as the result of "when the U.S. stumbled into the deep recession back in 2008 and "09" resulting in the organization of these angry and bitter conservatives but yet the NewsLead EdStaff ignores the poor economic performance since 2008-09 for that would reflect on President Obama and his administration and be against their agenda of promoting Obama and his team....

The NewsLead EdStaff says it was the evil Koch brothers that financed the Tea Party and Grover Norquist who spewed his "Venom spit" and rallied the Tea Party. Like their Mainstream media parent company they have been quick to criticize the Tea Party at every opportunity and portray them as an angry & bitter group out there to do anything possible to obstruct our President from moving the country "Forward"...

Today I searched the NewsLeader and its editorial page for info on the recent events that happened in Michigan as the law implementing the State as a "Right to Work" State and the violence by the Union thugs who were protesting this law. As with most of the Mainstream Media, the NewsLeader, and their Parent company, there was no mention of these violent acts. No mention of the attacks and physical beat down of a FoxNews contributor who stepped in while the Union Thugs tore down a Americans for Prosperity tent.
From IBD:

"Organized Labor: The assault on a Fox News contributor protecting women and seniors in a tent is but the latest example of the civil discourse and respect for democracy the president's union supporters really have.

Imagine the outrage and the mainstream media feeding frenzy had it been a Tea Party member punching an MSNBC contributor covering a protest over ObamaCare.

Or if Tea Party members had descended on a tent full of Occupy Wall Street supporters, flattening and tearing it apart with total disregard for the people inside.

Yet that is precisely what happened to conservative comedian and Fox News contributor Steven Crowder on Tuesday as he tried to get between union thugs and a tent put up by the group Americans for Prosperity, which reserved the space to support Michigan's right-to-work legislation.

When he was assaulted, Crowder was near the AFP tent, which in his words "was torn down with women and possibly children still (inside)."

White House spokesman Jay Carney declined to condemn the violence and threats by union members in Michigan the day after President Obama made an appearance there to offer his support, merely telling reporters Tuesday that "the president believes in debate that's civil."

This, of course, is the president who told supporters in 2008 regarding his opponents: "I want you to argue with them and get in their face." Well, they sure got in Crowder's face.

When asked by a reporter about a statement by Michigan state Democrat legislator Doug Geiss that "there will be blood" should Republicans pass a union-choice law in Michigan, Carney professed ignorance. "I haven't see those comments," he said, "and I'm not sure they mean what someone interprets them to mean."

We interpreted them to mean "there will be blood."

They also failed to mention that two school districts in Michigan had to be shut down for the day because of majority of Union teachers their called out of work to attend the union rally against the "Right to Work" law being signed. Interestingly it was also reported, (not in the Newseader its parent company or the mainstream media) that only 7% of the 8th grade students in Detroit Michigan can read at a proficient level...

Maybe the NewsLead EdStaff needs to attend one of the Tea Party meetings that are being held by several groups here in the Shenandoah Valley to see what is really happening here in the community they claim to represent?


  1. Watching the AttackWatchersDecember 14, 2012 at 9:17 PM

    The News Leader editorial staff is a lost cause. We might as well complain about gravity causing us to fall down. The best hope is that the MisLeader dies the death that is necessary for others to step in an provide points of view that are not so helplessly one sided..

  2. I posted a comment to a LTE but now not able to get back to see if ant replies for my free visits to the Newsleader have run out... Not much chance of me buying a subscription to that and I have a hard time dropping coins to get a hard copy anymore... One can only hope another paper steps in soon.....

  3. No shit...
    I check their headlines in the morning and if they have anything important I go on google or the likes to research the news. cant believe pay per view is really making them any money
