Thursday, March 15, 2012

Higher rating for Yancey Fire Department....

The NewsLeader reports that with the recent improvements and additional paid staff to the Yancey Fire Department has raised the area's service rating which will decrease the insurance rates for "some property owners" in the area. This after a very active campaign by some from the Wayne district to draw attention to their increased insurance rates and that the BOS had allowed the rating to fall.
In fact this became a campaign issue used by some in hopes to install a "gang of four" to the board of supervisors that could favor this issue. Media events were held to draw attention to the higher insurance rates and the "failure of the BOS" to prevent this, but these events also failed to increase the amount of local citizens volunteering to correct this situation. The NewsLeader also reported that the Yancey fire department was
"Unable to recruit enough volunteer firefighters to respond to calls, Yancey eventually decided to fold and officially become part of Staunton-based Company 10."
VERONA — Improvements to emergency services in Fishersville have persuaded the firm that studies fire protection to upgrade the area's service rating, which should mean lower insurance costs for some property owners.

The New Jersey-based Insurance Service Office has revised the area's rating from the worst-possible 10 to a range of 5 to 8, county Fire-Rescue Chief Carson Holloway announced Wednesday..

The rating applies to Fishersville and to the area just outside of Staunton covered by the county's Fire Department Company 10, which is based within city the limits.
Last year, the county merged the area covered by Fishersville's Preston L. Yancey Volunteer Fire Company with Company 10. The move was one of many the county made since 2010 to improve fire protection in Fishersville. The local government also agreed to pay for additional firefighters to work out of Yancey, which is now dissolving as an independent department to come under county administration.

At supervisors' regular meeting Wednesday, Holloway congratulated the county government for the help provided to address the issue.

"This was a unified effort of many people working here in this building," Holloway said, referring to the Government Center. The improved fire rating will officially take effect July 1, the chief said. The bottom-of-the-barrel insurance rating given two years ago for the Fishersville area signaled the demise of Yancey as an independent company.

A the time, ISO cited inadequate training and equipment at Yancey, but the lack of volunteers has been especially dogging the department.

A rating of 10 is the equivalent of not having a fire department service in the area at all, Holloway said. That grade sent some homeowners' insurance soaring.

The county eventually beefed up the number of paid firefighters to answer calls in Augusta County's fastest-growing area. Supervisors later agreed to have Company 10 answer calls out of Fishersville automatically and signed a deal to quicken responses from the Waynesboro Fire Department.

Unable to recruit enough volunteer firefighters to respond to calls, Yancey eventually decided to fold and officially become part of Staunton-based Company 10.


  1. Great for those in Wayne district. Chairman Pyles, When will my insurance rate go down?

  2. People in the area say Dr Mike did so much for Yancey. But when you ask them what did he do specifically the conversation stops there and they can't name one thing he did. I spoke with one of the volunter members and they told me that after having a brief conversation with Michaels when he was hanging around the fire house during election time that he was a whacko and only about advancing his politicaly ego and had a short fuse. Good thing he didn't get elected.

  3. Anonymous 2:05,

    I caution you on the name calling for that is not why this site is here for but to keep issues with the BOS out there for all to discuss and see the light of day not available in the local papers....

    I have no doubt in what you described for I ran into him during the campaign and was part of a 1-1/2 hour discussion that involved many past incidents as well as what was going on with the campaign. It is important to get facts out there as they should be so people know what\who is running for a office like the BOS but let's avoid name calling to maintain integrity....
