It now looks like the new BOS wants to take control of the reassessment process and wants to take over the whole process and make it "in-house" and use county staff to do some of it...
Do we really want this done in-house and by a staff that is directly influenced by the BOS?...
Will it be that much easier for members of the BOS to manipulate the numbers that they do not like or agree with?...
Unlike before, what happens if you go to challenge the assessment of your property and you are then sitting across from the table of the person appointed by and influenced by the BOS?...
The Newsvirginian has some coverage of the first meeting bring this up last night....
"The supervisors' reassessment committee will confer with Rockingham County government on how its in-house assessment program has worked. At the same time, the board directed Finance Director Jennifer Whetzel to draft a request for proposals from vendors about performing a contracted reassessment."
"Wayne District Supervisor Jeff Moore said voters he talked to last fall were unhappy with the 2009 reassessment. He supports the idea of an in-house assessment, and believes the county would receive a more accurate measurement of residential property values."
"Middle River Supervisor Larry Wills said the in-house annual costs of $550,000 and the climate of the current economic situation would not allow him to support adding staff to the county payroll. He said he could not support an in-house reassessment when it could be done more cheaply by a contractor."
South River Supervisor David Beyeler said using in-house asessors will cost the county taxpayers twice the amount of a contracted reassessment.
"There is no free ride in this,'' Beyeler said. He estimated that the cost to taxpayers in-house would be one additional cent on the tax rate.
"Board of Supervisors Chairman Tracy Pyles said he thinks an in-house assessment would provide more long-term quality to the county, and he also said if the work was done in-house, some staff from the county's commissioner of the revenue office would likely be shifted to work on an in-house team."